Financial optimisation and funding

We help public and private sector clients analyse the financial implications associated with investing in, and operating infrastructure. Funding investments and operating costs often also needs innovative thinking, particularly where revenues do not cover costs. We can assist with analysing innovative funding approaches.


We deliver funding and financial optimisation services including: 

  • Strategic financial analysis and funding advice, at portfolio, programme and project levels 

  • Financial case, as part of a business case 

  • Improved understanding and reporting of underlying performance 

  • Forecast and deep driver analysis 

  • Funding needs analysis, and funding model evaluation 

  • Reshaping the finance function to be fit for the future 

Case Studies

  • Funding Review – Ara Ake Limited (new energy accelerator) Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). To help develop and scale renewable energy investments, a centre for future energy development, Ara Ake, was established in 2020.

  • Road pricing and toll roads – A working group convened by the Ministry of Transport produced a series of reports under the heading “The Congestion Question”.

  • Investment Logic Map (ILM) – development, supported by workshop facilitation

  • Sector due diligence for potential foreign purchaser of NZ Bus

Get in touch to find out more.