City and Regional Deals – Options and key considerations

The coalition government has signalled that it’s interested in long-term city and regional deals as a way to partner with local government to create pipelines of regional projects.

In late 2023, LGNZ commissioned Kalimena to produce a paper for local government leaders to provide insight into international experience around city and regional deals, and how this might be applied in the New Zealand context.

The paper, and accompanying set of slides, sets out background on the key elements of city and regional deals, different options that have been used in the United Kingdom and Australia, and considerations and key takeaways that could be applied when designing a city and regional deals framework for New Zealand. LGNZ wants to work closely with its members to design a city and regional deals framework that is fit-for-purpose and will deliver the best outcomes for our communities.

Linda Meade

Linda leads Kalimena’s infrastructure investment advisory work. Linda established Kalimena after a career spanning over a decade respectively at Deloitte and PwC, including time spent in London, Geneva and Wellington. Up until 2020 she was lead partner in New Zealand for Deloitte Access Economics, and the partner in charge of the Infrastructure, Economics and Business Modelling team. Linda’s areas of expertise are in designing and applying investment systems and processes, tailored to the type of infrastructure, the sector, and the desired outcomes. Linda specialises in social infrastructure (education, health, housing) and transport.  She is most interested in projects where there is a clear understanding of the desired outcomes for people and communities in New Zealand, working mostly with public sector clients. 


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